Russell broke my phone last night. One of the teeny tiny little prongs inside the part that the charger goes into broke off because he was trying to shove the charger in upside down. That phone lasted us a year, pretty good around here if you ask me. It's dead as a door nail. Baby Jared used to throw my phone in all kinds of water. Until he was 2.5 or 3 all I had were "Go-Phones". He threw it in the dog's water bowl, the bath tub, the kiddie pool, a puddle of rain water outside. Each time was a different phone. So since I can't post any real pictures of my tyrant here are a couple VERY fitting ones that were posted to my FB wall yesterday...I literally laughed out loud at these.
HA!! Thanks Aunt Ruth!
Thanks Amanda, this is hilarious!!
I've noticed that some people have been sharing the blog with their friends. I think this is great. Let all the moms of crazy tyrant boys unite, I'm not alone (lol)! As great as this is, I feel like I should make it clear that even though Russell (and the others) are crazy, I love them with all my heart and I wouldn't change a thing! Jessica (my awesome hairdresser, go see her at Bel Fiore in Rockwall) found a grey hair last time she gave me a style, but honestly I'm okay with it because I assumed I would have MANY more by now. I love each one of my babe's personalities. They are strong willed and that's okay because they are going to make it in life. I'm confident that they won't be pressured into things that easily. I'm grateful for my kids and I pray that they never feel diferently.
With that being said, a trip to the grocery store requires 2 shopping carts (1 to strap Russell into and set Wyatt's carseat in, and 1 for all the food), a Midol, and an energy drink. The recovery from said trip consists of a trip to Sonic for a Rt 44 Diet Coke. True story.
Here's a big THANK YOU to the random mom that kept cheering me on this Monday as we crossed paths down every aisle, and all but high-fived me as we exited Wal-Mart. "You're doing great, you're almost done, keep smiling, your babies are beautiful, it'll get easier" People like her make my MONTH. Reminds me of this story that was floating around a while's a must read for every parent, absolutely hilarious. And here's a big ol BITE ME to the lady that felt the need to come up and tell Jared "Thank you for being such a good father" because he got on to Russell for biting his Grammy at the dinner table (at El Fenix). He IS a great dad, but come on. This happens a lot. We'll be in public with all 4 kids and women are ALWAYS praising Jared for being out with all 4 kids. HELLO....I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE NEXT TO HIM! He isn't alone!!!! And heck yeah he better take us all out in public every once in a while. Geeze, I'm climbing the walls over here.
*Russell just dumped his cereal out on the couch*
Is there a Blue Bellaholics Annonymous? Cause at 8:00 pm when I crawl into bed, you won't find a glass or wine or a stiff drink in this Mormon's hand. You'll find a hefty serving of Blue Bell. My drug of choice. Probably counteracting the insanity dvds. I just want to take another second to thank Elle for not picking THIS November to get married...I'll be looking awesome in my bridesmaid dress NEXT November. It's not just me either, after El Fenix last Friday we went to Firewheel to buy me a new pair of work out shoes and then hit up Wal-Mart because Jared was concerned that there might not be enough ice cream in the freezer for BOTH of us.
*Russell is jumping off of the coffee table*
*Russell is swinging a mop handle around*
*Russell is dumping out the dog food*
He's busy this morning.
*Russell just knocked over the basket of folded laundry*
Maybe I should blog at night while he's asleep....
Monday Jared got to have lunch here at the house. The kids wanted macaroni and cheese and hot dogs so Jared went outside to grill them for us. He ran in and told me to go handle Russell so I walked outside and Russell was chasing him away from the grill with the water hose!!! This picture isn't from that day but its the same scene, different outfit!
Little stinker.
Since I can't post pictures from yesterday, here a couple from last week. I hope you all have a great Thursday!! Hug your babies and your hubbys (or wifeys)!!
Russell eating his birthday breakfast. "Here's your drink Russell, DON'T squeeze it!" Ha! He sqeezed it.
Russell got into the baby powder again, this was right after he smeared the baby lotion all over the toilet seat.
*Russell is now contained in the rocking chair right next to me :)*
I just can't get enough of this blog! Elaine you are an amazing mother! Anytime I feel just a tad overwhelmed, I think of you :) and I'm completely over it! I love those kiddos to pieces! And grey hair just means your a little wiser! Lol!
ReplyDeleteLove you tons!