Part of me can't believe that I even heard Jared say that last night, "You're going to timeout for peeing on people". But I did. Jared took Russell's diaper off to put a new one on and this is what I heard from the kitchen...
Jared: Quit grabbing yourself and come get a diaper on.
Baby Jared: Russell just peed on my leg!
Jared: No he didn't, Russell come here.
Baby Jared: Yes he did!
Jared: Oh gross, he did pee on your leg!
So off to the corner he goes...for peeing on people.
Wylee BEGGED me to take them to the "Chick-a-flay" play place this morning. Even though breakfast is the easiest meal of the day I caved and took them. I can easily be swayed by the thought of sitting at a table, just me and Wyatt, while those three are contained in a glass room. Thick glass I hope. Next time I won't sit right next to the glass though. Those little heathens pop up out of no where slapping their hands on the glass right in your face screaming like banshees. You almost forget the glass is there and start to panic for a split second...its even worse when it ISN'T one of your kids.
Wylee comes out and tells me she needs to go to the the fun starts, I was worried that our outing would be uneventful. She only has her socks on and is refusing to go get her tennis shoes but she's grabbing herself doing the potty dance. I'm fully prepared to just let her pee herself if she doesn't go get her stinking tennis shoes on. She goes in and the boys come FLYING out, headed straight for the bathroom. Jared has his flip flops on but Russell is carrying his and he just chunks them in front of the registers as he runs by. I have to think fast because Russell just ran into the women's restroom with NO shoes on!! So I put my 3.5 year old in charge of the 4 month old (smart, right?) and I run to the restroom grabbing the flip flops. I find Jared and Russell both in the big handicap stall, door wide open, Jared is peeing from about a foot away from the toilet and Russell is in the splash zone flushing the toilet over and over again. Not a proud mom moment. I get them squared away, Russell's shoes back on (not that it really matters at this point) and then get them back into the play room. I gather up my drink, my baby bag, and my baby and I take Wylee to the restroom. She is REFUSING to flush the toilet after she pees. The car seat is too big for me to fit in there and do it for her so I had to block her exit until she flushed. Really. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother getting out of the house. If Russell wasn't allergic to cats I'd probably just buy like 50 of them and stay cooped up all day long. They'd probably all just run away, anyways.
Okay, I've had enough...chick a flay is NOT fun anymore. I need a refill before we leave. You would think my kids could stand there for 2 minutes while I got another Diet Coke. I had to tell them to quit running their hands all over the fake trees, put the straws back, don't go into the bathroom, get in a line right here and DON'T MOVE...I said GET IN A LINE, NOW HOLD HANDS! The sweet girl getting my refill just laughed and told me how cute they are and waved bye to them. So we walk out the door and Russell DARTS....I lunged for him to do the mom grab (car seat in hand) and he stops right on the edge of the curb, good grief I thought my heart was going to explode. We're back to alllll holding hands again while Russell JUMPS the entire way back to the car. Everyone piles in...Russell decides to go straight back to the trunk and have a seat. Everyone is in, and buckled. Thank goodness. Russell makes some odd hand gesture that I have never seen before and all of the sudden the other two start chanting "yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!" and now I'm afraid that they have been plotting some sort of mission against me and Russell (the master mind) just gave everyone the go-ahead. Jared is saying over and over again "are we driving yet, are we driving yet". I'm talking for several minutes. Then Wylee starts chanting, "buckle your seat belt, buckle your seat belt" over and over again. I'm gonna lose it. Thank goodness for playgroup...Russell only made one little boy cry and long as his eye doesn't turn black then I'm gonna call it a good day. Seriously. I need a vacation.
He's paci free, but sometimes he finds one that was lost and falls off the wagon.
Wyatt needed some spoons I guess.
This kid LOVES socks. Clean, dirty, church socks, normal socks, Wylee's socks, Jared's socks...doesn't matter. LOVES them.
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