
I need a vacation.

Well we had another eventful trip to Costco yesterday. My list was short so my plan was to load everyone up around 10:30, go grab a few things and feast on lunchables (that's what Jared calls samples) and then have some giant hotdogs for lunch. All was well until Russell dropped his FULL Sprite on the ground :/. Still not that big of a deal...kids finally finish they're hotdogs and I grab my Diet Coke, which as you all know, is as good as gold to me. I load everyone up and kick myself as I realize that I have yet again forgotten to ask for a box at checkout. Such a rookie mistake. As I'm closing the back door I hear Wylee say "oops! Sorry mommy! I spilled my sprite." Uugghh....could be worse. It's worse :( its all over my seat and down in between the console and chair, and its not her Sprite. It's my "much needed-gonna save the day" Diet Coke. Shoot. Good thing I keep a 32 pack handy, AND we were having Frito pies for dinner so I had that to look forward to, right? No. Everyone cried about how the chili was spicy, Wylee only wanted the fritos, Russell was throwing his all over the walls and window (he even rubbed some in Jared's hair), big Jared was still full from lunch...whatever, I enjoyed mine. My story ends with Russell shoving his finger so far up MY nose that it starts bleeding (its still sore). It's Friday, yippie!! While


  1. I always feel a little guilty laughing at you when I read your posts, mostly because it wasn't so long ago that I was pulling my hair out for a lot of the same reasons. Honestly, though, I miss these types of adventures.

    1. Haha, don't feel guilty...I know you feel my pain :)
