

I have a few friends that have super cute blogs (I'm looking at you Ashley and Angie) and I always see the equally as cute "What we wore Wednesday" segments on Ashley's blog, The Vanilla Tulip. It's adorable, even when her kids are in mishmash ensemble, they still look fab. I'm so glad I never get called out on a WWW Wednesday cause it would look like this:

   Well friends, today we have an interesting combination of last nights pajamas AND yesterday's clothes! That's right, Wylee is still in her pjs at 3 pm and Wyatt peed through his so he was just in a diaper until I realized I had less than 30 minutes to go get Jared's Pizza Hut lunch and have it at the school in time. So he's now in the closest outfit I could find, which just so happened to belong to yesterday! Russell is in a hit of a combo outfit and I myself put on a new tank top but my long sleeve shirt is from around 5 pm yesterday and the jeans are the same. And little Jared? Oh he's in SWEATPANTS and a Tshirt because he feels that's acceptable to wear to school.

So instead, I'd like to introduce you to my very own WWW Wednesday, also known as, What We Wrecked Wednesday. It's a delightful rundown of the things that my kids, and sometimes myself, have wrecked or ruined over the past week or so. I will also be including a list of things that my children are no longer allowed to receive as gifts. Because apparently there is a level of maturity that one must reach before they can handle being given SILLY PUTTY.

What we wrecked Wednesday includes, but in no way is limited to, the following:
1) This entire bullet is devoted to what they wrecked with Silly Putty (I'm lookin at you Aunt Becky!).
* Russell's Easter shirt, he matted a giant wad of ORANGE silly putty in the pocket. That stains.
* Several parts of the living room rug
* Wylee's pj pants (she fell asleep with it in her hand?)
* Wylee's blankie (see above)
* The butt of MY pj pants
* I keep finding it all over the hard wood floors in different rooms
* The love seat cushions
2) Broken cupcake Scentsy lamp
3) This bullet is dedicated to what we ruined with Nail Polish
* Wylee's carpet
* 3 out of the 4 souvineer shirts from the Masters (the 4th got scribbled on with marker, but not a Sharpie)
* Carpet  in our bathroom closet
* Carpet outside our bedroom door
* Carpet outside our bathroom but IN our bedroom
* Our sheets and comforter and pillow cases and quilt
4) The office, the whole thing, it's wrecked
5) Apparently someone scratched "Love" into one of the dressers, I can narrow that one down to those that can actually spell
6) A few cardboard boxes were chewed up
7) Major chased the neighbor's chickens and had a mouth full of feathers
8) Russell peed in the middle of the garage
9) An ornament got chewed up, and another smashed
10) My will to get out of bed in the morning
11) The dogs pulled the bread, brown rice, tortillas, and pumpkin seeds out of the cabinet and ate them ALL
12) The dogs also pulled my teal frosting bag off the counter and ran through it and then through the kitchen, but they did eat most of it.
13) A pull-up was shredded by the dogs (not used thank goodness)

And that's about all that I can remember right now. So there you have it!

Oh yeah, and we gave a sweet baby bunny a heart attack and killed it the night before Easter.

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