Ah Christmas. I love Christmas. I love putting the elf, Trigger, in different spots every night and watching the kids' faces when they find I'm in the morning.
*Wylee just shoved a bead up her nose and I had to quit typing to help her shoot it out. That JUST happened. I wish I could say it was the first, but it wasn't. And it surely won't be the last...she shoves things in her nose quite a bit*
Anyways, Trigger was brought into our home in hopes of encouraging the kids to behave...which worked for like a day. I'm hatching A plan right now that will be great if I actually do it. We always tell our kids that "Santa is watching, he won't bring you gifts if you are bad" blah blah blah, but I've never actually not given my kids a Christmas because they were bad. In all honesty, Santa shouldn't be coming to our house this year. The kids have been on the naughty list in my book. So I'm thinking about heading down to Mom's barn and filling up a giant sack of horse $@&# and setting it in the middle of my living room on christmas morning labeled as reindeer poop. There will be a nice letter from Santa explaining that he ran out of coal this year so they get poop instead. Thoughts?
Russell has been a doozy lately. He just stood in front of me and fished a battery out of his diaper, then 2 more from his pocket...which is why I say boys are weird. They are.
I had no intentions of stopping at sonic for a rt44 this morning. I really didn't, but our weekly trip to Walmart warranted not only a rt44 but some onion rings as well. I hate those stupid carts with the two it kid seats attached. I was talked into getting one this morning as they promised they would behave. And I believed them! Shame on me. Two hours later we finally checked out and I all but pulled my own hair out of my head. Public spankings, check. Yell a the kids across the store, check. Break up a toddler fist fight in front a bunch of people, check (and check again). Stop the kids from licking the gift cards, sadly...check. What a beating. 2 hours of that kind of crap, over and over again. Wow. I know I'm of alone but man I sure felt like I was at the moment...
I haven't been recording Russell's moments lately so this post won't be too exciting but as I think of them I'll write them down. My brain is fried. Merry freaking Christmas :)
You need a sister wife. I'm not volunteering or anything. Lol. I kinda want one. Justvfor the cooking and cleaning though. So I think I really wan a made/nanny that I don't have today. ;)
Or a maid. :)