I can't remember for the life of me what I had to do right that moment on the computer, but it was important (I'm sure Jared is rolling his eyes and thinking to himself, facebook isn't important) I don't think it was facebook though. I really can't remember what I was doing right then...doesn't really matter anymore. I heard the sound of a marker on the door and I turned and saw this:
King size sharpie marker all over my bedroom door. I have no idea where the marker came from. The orange part is where I tried to erase it with a dry erase marker. Looks like we'll be painting our door soon.
While I was scrubbing the door I heard an aluminum can hit the counter top in my bathroom. Crap. I set my diet coke on the counter in there while I was looking for the dry erase marker and now he's probably drinking it! Nope. Not drinking it. Just dumping it all over the counter, which dripped into the drawer...and then down into the cabinets. That's cool. I wanted to wipe down the insides of those anyways. I jotted something down about milk too BUUUUTTT I don't know what I was trying to write, so just know that there is a funny milk story floating somewhere around in my head.
Now, on to last nights escapades. I was in the kitchen working on my roasted chicken and I heard big Jared say, "No RUSSELL! Go see Mommy, GO SEE MOMMY! Russell DON'T"...and in walks Russell. Looking like this:
Russell found an ink pad and COVERED himself WHILE standing behind Jared in the same chair that Jared was sitting in. He said he kept hearing some annoying noise that sounded like rubbing but didn't turn around....MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE TURNED AROUND! So off to the bath he goes...
If we're friends on facebook or you follow me on Instagram then you've already seen all of these pictures, so sorry :)
So after a good hour long soaking and his daddy scrubbing him with hydrogen peroxide, he's pretty clean. Still kind of blue, but clean. We had dinner, we had FHE, we looked through scrapbooks that Jared and his mom made when he was younger. Normal evening. Then Russell pooped. Some call it the woodland creature poop. I'll leave it at that. Big Jared thinks he's funny and said there was no need to change him, he held him upside down and LET THE POOP FALL ONTO MY RUG! I got annoyed, I yelled, I demanded Russell come get a new diaper while Jared cleaned up the poop from the rug and right as I was opening the new diaper up, Russell peed. All over his own face, his pj's and the floor. It was disgusting! Poop on the rug and pee on the floor in under 2 minutes. I'm pretty glad yesterday is over.
I'm sure some people read this blog and question my parenting skills. I'm a good parent, I know this. Russell is a challenge and he likes to have fun by getting into a little trouble. He gets disciplined just like the rest of our children, but if I don't have fun with his antics then I will go insane. And...ain't nobody got time for that! He is a sweet boy who loves his Papa and cries tears of joy when his daddy walks through the door each evening. He likes to snuggle his momma in bed at night and he falls asleep with his hand on my face just to be sure I'm not going anywhere. He likes to shake his rear to music and loves super heroes. He's a child of God, and we love him no matter what.
Now for some pictures of the rest of my sweet babies!
Best friends.
Look how sweet they are every once in a while!
This guy skipped sitting up and went straight to crawling and pulling up on furniture. He does officially sit up now though.
The two lone girls of the family!
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