It's only 9:40 a.m. and Russell Owen is already covered in marker, baby powder, and chocolate cupcake.
I forgot to buy milk and juice at the store so for breakfast the kids had water and dry cereal in a cup (breakfast of inmates I suppose)....which Russell decided to walk around the living room tilting his cup to and fro so that it spilled. Everywhere (the cereal, not the water). It was no accident either. Another reason I LOVE having dogs. What I don't love is Russell emptying my giant can of hairspray onto the bathroom mirror....that took some elbow grease to clean up! And plus now I'm out of hairspray, and almost paper towels. This kid wears me out. I wonder how his kids will be...
I wish my birthday were coming up cause I would love a day to relax all by myself. I would take a nap, maybe 2. Watch some DVR shows instead of Disney Jr. Ahhh. Come on August! A girl can dream can't she? Maybe that's what my days will consist of when Wyatt starts school. After all, stay at home moms sit around in their fluffy robes eating bonbons watching Days of Our Lives with their feet propped up on the coffee table, right? I mean that's all I've done so far today. Except substitute fluffy robe for pjs, bonbons for previously mentioned dry cereal left over from the kids' cups, soaps for freaking Dora the Explorer and its a bit hard to prop my feet on the coffee table when Russell has pushed it about 8 ft from its designated spot so its sideways in the middle if the living room. I guess this is a good place to stop....considering Russell pushed Wyatt's walker into my bedroom and locked the door. Wyatt is IN the walker so I should go pick the lock. Happy Friday? Yes.

I'm a stay at home mom of 4 loud, loving, kinda crazy littles. Russell, #3, is my handful. He was 2 when I started this blog. Jared was almost 5, Wylee was 3 & Wyatt was 3 mos. I used to joke when Wyatt was a baby and say "I hope he isn't taking notes!" He was. I would start taking yoga to relieve stress but I would look like a hunch back and probably fall asleep on my mat, which would be better than the time I fell asleep on my steering wheel in the pick up line.
Breakfast of inmates.
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