I have 3 boys and ONE girl. Just one. She wants her nails painted just about every other day so that's what she gets! The only problem is Russell watches and everytime he sits down next to her and sticks his finger out and asks me to paint his nails too. Wylee and I tell him everytime that boys don't paint their nails....well, some boys do, but that's a different story that I'm not prepared to get into with a 4 and 2 year old. Words you never want to hear come out of someone's mouth, "unlock the door Russell, what are doing" followed by, "what's that smell?". Then followed by, "ELAINE! Come look at your son!" What's that smell? Not poop. Fingernail polish. Although, I must admit, I thought he had found the king size sharpie that I've been marking boxes with when I first walked in. Nope, he was just painting his nails, and half of his finger. Gave him a once over, then looked around and PHEW, its only on his finger. And a little on his chin. I call that a win! Hooray for the parents!
Speaking of those other kids that I have, I loaded up Wylee, Russell, and Wyatt last Thursday and we went to Jared's elementary school for the Kindergarten Stick Horse Rodeo. Oh. My. Cute. All the kids got to make their own stick horses and they did 6 events. Several of the moms couldn't make it so I thought I would try to video as much as I could and take as many pictures as I could of all of our kids. I had the Nikon with the zoom lens hanging around my neck, the video camera strapped to my hand, a foot on Wyatt's stroller so that Russell couldn't push him around, and of course an eye on Russell. Wylee never goes very far. It makes her nervous. At one point I was even taking pictures WHILE video tapping. BAM! About 3 stations in all I heard from Wylee's mouth was "I want bubble guuuummmmm, wwwaaahhhhh, give me some bubble gum, where's the gum, I want ggguuuummmmmmmmmmm, you have gum I want some too! That's not fair, give me gum please" I told her 50 times she had to wait cause the gum was at home. "But you got gum, I want some too, why didn't you bring any...you should have brought some" FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD I WISH I WOULD HAVE JUST STUCK THE PACK OF GUM IN MY BAG! WHY DIDN'T I BRING THE GUM?! SHE JUST WANTED THE BUBBLE GUM, I'M THE WORST MOM EVER! PLAY IT COOL ELAINE, THERE ARE A LOT OF OTHER PARENTS AROUND....JUST SMILE AND KEEP TAKING PICTURES, DON'T FORGET TO VIDEO JAMESON, ITS ALMOST HIS TURN, THEN POINT THE CAMERA THAT WAY CAUSE JARED IS RIGHT AFTER HIM AND HADLEY GOES AFTER JARED...HIT THE STOP BUTTON AND WAIT FOR 2 MINUTES, TURN IT BACK ON HERE COMES KATELYN, SHAKE WYLEE OFF MY ARM AND TELL HER NICELY THAT BUBBLE GUM HASN'T MAGICALLY APPEARED IN MY BAG. GRAB THE STROLLER, RUSSELL'S PUSHING WYATT IN THE DIRECTION OF THE HORSE SHOE PIT...NOW RUSSELL'S IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HORSE SHOE PIT. GOOD GRIEF IS THIS THING OVER YET?!?!?! LAST STATION AND THEY'RE MINING FOR GOLD. Wow. Wyatt's screaming, Wylee is screaming and Russell is crying. I might cry. Let's go home...and have some bubble gum.

I'm a stay at home mom of 4 loud, loving, kinda crazy littles. Russell, #3, is my handful. He was 2 when I started this blog. Jared was almost 5, Wylee was 3 & Wyatt was 3 mos. I used to joke when Wyatt was a baby and say "I hope he isn't taking notes!" He was. I would start taking yoga to relieve stress but I would look like a hunch back and probably fall asleep on my mat, which would be better than the time I fell asleep on my steering wheel in the pick up line.
Nails by Russell.
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