
Salon de Russell.

I caught myself crossing my legs and kicking a leg up as I sneezed this afternoon...ah childbirth. I can't help but blame ol Eve for nearly peeing myself every time I sneeze. If only she hadn't taken a bite of that fruit. I don't care how desirable or how sweet to the taste it is, its not worth sneeze-peeing!
Speaking of motherhood...I 100% without a doubt regret taking Russell with me to get Wylee's hair cut this morning...for many reasons. He wouldn't quit picking up the fingernail polish bottles, twisting Wylee's chair, touching every thing I told him not to touch, etc. He really wanted to sit in the Police car chair, but it was in the other room so I was walking back and forth between rooms to check on Wylee but keep an eye on him. Wylee got so shy with the stylist that she wouldn't tilt her head, she wouldn't look up, down, straight, didn't matter. She wouldn't do it. So I asked for this super cute little bob cut and got a jacked up uneven mess. It's hopefully getting fixed tomorrow....although Russell may have made Jessica's job a little harder this evening. I guess he either needs to be in a straight jacket while I do the chores around the house or I need to put him on a leash and make him walk with me everywhere I go, or we need a maid...or a live in Russell Nanny.

I told everyone to get pjs on, and Wylee stuck her leg through the arm hole and her other leg through a leg hole and couldnt figure out what was going on so she asked me for help. Then she asked me take her shirt off and I noticed hair all over her shoulder. I thought maybe it came out of a brush or something so I asked her where all that hair was coming from and she said,

"Oh, Russell gived me a hair cut."

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUCKILY, its more underneath a layer of hair, but if she swings her head just right you can see it clear as day. There was hair on the floor, the rug, and in the bathtub. I have made it 5.5 years without a single child giving themselves or a sibling (or cousin or friend or parent or grandparent for that matter) a home hair cut. I guess that was a pretty good run and I should be happy. Wylee's hair was a disaster already but now its got a touch of Russell added to it. I could scream. Sometimes life is not fair. Like Monday when Russell was yelling poopoo in the hallway but he was really pointing to was the tube of Butt Paste that he squirted all over the bathroom floor and rug...along with the baby lotion. I just shut the door and went to the grocery store. Sometimes that's all I can really do. Walk away from it for a bit and then come back and clean it up later. Pfffftttt. Thanks Russell.

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