
Mama's Trifecta.

Moneyball. In this order...BASEBALL, MATH, and BRAD PITT. Why have I not seen this movie sooner?! A lot of you may not know that I was a math major at Sam Houston. I have loved math more than English for as long as I can remember. Math has a definite answer (for the most part) while English or Literature can have several different right answers, which I hate. I was studying to become a high school math teacher. I wanted to make a difference in the world of high school math. I wanted to teach algebra. I guess that could still happen, time will tell! I also have a STRONG love for America's favorite past time. My daddy coached high school baseball for as long as I can remember. I would lay on the floor in my apartment in Huntsville and listen to his games over the Internet. I was devastated when he announced his retirement. I guess a part of me thought he would coach till the day he died (except he's my daddy and he'll live forever) and maybe in a perfect world he would coach one or all of my boys someday, should they play. Billy Beane is right, "It's hard not to be romantic about baseball." It is. It makes me nostalgic...and for my anxiety ridden soul, nostalgia is a terrible thing. It gives me a knot in the pit of my stomach and it makes me ache for the past. I hate that. As I said before, I really hate change. I think about my dad's last ball game more often than I should. I couldn't help but cry after the last out...most people couldn't. This game was for the high school State Championship. How amazing would that have been for him to go out with his first State Championship. They played a great game, but it wasn't in the cards. Cue the anxiety. Moneyball brought back a flood of emotion and nostalgic related anxiety, but I couldn't stop watching. It was a great movie and on top of it all I ate a big bowl of chocolate popcorn (thanks for that trick Ruth) while I watched it.
Enough about that. How about the fact we'll be moved out of our house before our milk expires. I'm gonna have an ulcer before this month is over. I hope the Easter Bunny doesn't forget to fill the baskets this year. Wouldn't that be tragic?
Speaking of tragic...I think Russell has inherited his mama's homesickness. I reallllly hope not, because there is nothing fun about wanting nothing more than your mama and daddy! I should know, right Mimi? I didn't make through Brownie Camp in 3rd grade, I barely slept at friends' houses without crying and going home early, poor Mimi and Papa had to put up with me crying my eyes out every single night that I slept at their house, I cried the entire 3.5 hour drive to COLLEGE and begged my daddy to let me just stay home. So you see, he gets it honestly! I dropped Jared, Wylee, and Russell off at my mom and dad's Tuesday afternoon for a sleepover with Grammy and Papa! Got a text around 2:35 saying Russell had been crying for over an hour and just wanted me. No problem, I'm on my way. I knew exactly how he was feeling. I got him home a little after 3am, put him in my bed and I laid down. Then Millie needed to go outside, so I got back out of bed and took her out....then laid down again. I finally fell asleep and I hear CHIRP! CHIRP! It's the stupid smoke detector. I woke Jared up and told him to go make it stop. He got up and went to the living room but it had quit chirping. So he laid back down. CHIRP.....CHIRP! UGGGGHHHH. I got out of bed and went into the living room to see which one it was. It quit. I waited. Nothing. Went back to bed, closed my eyes and, whatdoyaknow....CHIRP! This little cycle repeated about 5 times. Never could figure out which one it was, there are two in the living room, one in the hall, and then one in each bedroom. I incorporated the chirping into my dreams and sent Jared a text around 6 something that said OMG PLEASE MAKE THE BEEPING STOP!!!!!! It finally just quit at like 7am. I was exhausted yesterday. Went to sleep at 10:45 and Wyatt woke up for a bottle at 10:55. Except he didn't want the bottle, he wanted to stay up and cry and toss and turn, so I rocked him, I paced the house with him, I gave him ear drops, I sang to him, I let him cry it out. I rocked him some more. I tried everything. He kept refusing to eat his bottle and then finally at 12:15 he took his bottle and closed his poor eyes. PHEW. I climbed in bed, and then woke up to take Millie out, and then woke up 2 more times to feed Wyatt and change him. And at 5am CHIRP! CHIRP! You have got to be kidding me. I got up and this time it didn't quit, I track it to the kids' room, climb up on the top bunk and pull that thing down and yank out the battery. Biggest mistake ever. I always assumed that those things just ran on batteries. They don't, the batteries are really just back up. AND if you take the battery out it just sets the #$*& thing off! AND when that happens it triggers all of the other ones in the house! So, if you take the battery out at 5:30 am while all the babies are sleeping you better prepare yourself for a symphony of smoke detector chirps. Which may or may not make you cuss, depending on the strength of your filter (I need to strengthen mine). So I frantically hooked it back up to the ceiling thingy, every time I screwed it up the whole house would start beeping. I finally got it back on the ceiling, climbed off the top bunk and walked back to bed. CHIRP. No, no no no no no. But yes. So here I sit, at 9:26am listening to the smoke detector beep every several minutes. Its beyond annoying. Apparently I have to unplug it. I dunno. With that being said, I need a Spark (I'm out), or a Diet Coke to get me through today and I will praying for a better nights sleep tonight because as the move approaches, I know they are limited.

1 comment:

  1. oh holy smokes! you are coach talleys daughter????I have lived in this town a 1000 years - how is it possible that i have not met you yet???
