
My Naughty list decision...in case you were wondering

My verdict: The boys are on the naughty list and Wylee is naughty/nice. I LOVE all of the advice and words of encouragement that I was given. Not only did every one's comments help lead me to a solution that I was comfortable with, but they helped remind me that holiday over stimulation deserves a special place on the naughty list as well.
  I had several people suggest that they get a toy and then I make them return it. I can't do that. I can't hurt their sensitive little feelings. Then I'M the bad guy. I don't want there to be a bad guy at all. So maybe there are kids out there that that solution will work for, I just don't think that it will work with mine. The last thing I want is more anger and resentment. Although, I do so appreciate those that suggested it! It helped steer me in the right direction.
  I also had lots of comments telling me that I should give them toys from Santa and then take them to hospitals or to someone less fortunate and make them give the toys to those sweet children. Such a great idea, but it won't solve my problem. My problem is whether or not they have behaved well enough for Santa to visit THEM and put presents for THEM under the tree. No one has ever said to them, "if you're bad, Santa will still bring you what you want but you'll have to take it to someone that has less than you." I don't even want to get into the issue of why they have to take their stuff to other kids and why didn't Santa visit those kids as well....yikes.
  Some said to give them less but don't make it about their behavior....after the third comment of this nature I decided what I was going to do. My whole problem IS their behavior so I'm going to sugar coat the reason why Santa doesn't leave lots of toys and goodies. I'm sticking to my plan of giving them all warm clothes, one book, and one toy. Because, after all, I was once a kid that thrived on the magical feelings of SANTA visiting! Santa will leave them a note explaining why they got what they got and why they didn't get everything they wanted. He will encourage better behavior next year and make sure they know how much he loves them.
  They are soooo little, and they are growing faster than I can keep up with and I don't want to make them miss out on one single Christmas morning full of Santa magic. Who knows how long they will believe for? I don't. So Santa is coming....he's just changing things up some. Stockings will have undies and socks and maybe a snickers soldier. One of the comments suggested that I send them a personalized video from Santa. She is also dealing with some naughty brothers at her house so she gave it a shot. So far it has been working for her kids, so I did the same. The kids sat alone with me, one at a time, to watch their videos. Santa speaks to them by name and even has their picture. They were shocked. It's only been about 45 minutes but that video was special to them and they are trying. Santa told them that it isn't too late to make it on to the nice list before Christmas Eve....we shall wait and see. Thank you for the link Jessica! If you want to send a video, you can google Portable North Pole.
  Again, I'm so thankful for every one's help! I can't wait to see how attitudes change over the next 9 days. And if they don't, well we will just try a little harder next year. Say a little prayer that these three make it on the nice list in time!!

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